AUC: Asian Journal of Religious Studies

ISSN P-2249-1503 |E-2582-791X | Papal Seminary, Pune 411014, India

The Journal

AUC: Asian Journal of Religious Studies is a peer-reviewed pastoral journal for Christian leaders. It is a quarterly published from the Papal Seminary, Pune 411014, India. Inspiring and academic articles beneficial for Christian leaders are published in our journal.

It tries to be pastoral and missionary in its approach without sacrificing academic rigour and quality.

Former Names

Founder: Robert Criem (1955)

Former Editors


ISSN:  P-2249-1503 

ISSN: E-2582-791X 

LCCN: 2015307665

OCLC:  908683560


Starting Year:1955  (As newsletter, AUMOL)

Abbr Title:    AUC : Asian j. religious stud.

Site:  |

Email: auc[@] 

Leuven Journals: LITaRS

List of Theol Journals: Here

Our Vision

AUC: Asian Journal of Religious Studies (AJRS) caters to the spiritual and intellectual needs of Christian leaders, including priests, religious and religious leaders. Our mission is foster critical reflection leading to commitment to God and to fellow-human beings.  It looks on contemporary world and takes critical look through the lens of Christian experience. 

Therefore, AUC: AJRS


Papal Seminary

AUC: AJRS Nov-Dec 2022 issue is published. Read

AJRS is owned by Papal Seminary, Pune, India

Papal Seminary, Pune, India, is a Catholic educational institute, primarily meant for the training of future priests of India. At the moment it caters to the formation of about 180 Seminarians from all over India.  

You can read the online journal here.


Please note that AUC: AJRS is not in the list of UGC-Care journals.

Last updated: April 11, 2021© 2015-2021 AUC, Pune